AthaU Facebook Group
Shannon wonders where other students seek additional resources beyond the course material; a variety of tips flow in, including biblio lists, Google Scholar, the AU library, and hey! the tutor. Jeffi inquires if alumni can still access AU’s library; short answer is yes, with limitations.
Other posts include student discounts on public transportation, AU’s HR program, timing for booking exams, exam tips from tutors, and laptop preferences.
Timothy is curious what an “A-R” notation is on his transcript. Anybody? Anybody? Other posts include courses COMP 200, MATH 309, and PHYS 210.
@AthabascaU tweets: “The #AthabascaU writer-in-residence committee is very pleased to announce that award-winning author Steven Heighton will be the 2019-20 AU writer-in-residence. Learn more on the #AUHub. ”
@austudentsunion tweets: “AUSU has an Emergency Bursary for #AthabascaU students in financial need who need help paying AU fees for late exams, supplemental exams, or course extensions. Find out more at #igo2AU.”