Student Sizzle—Following What’s Hot!

AthaU Facebook Group

Kayla is curious if students can do a major with two minors; a check with AU suggests not.  Bee has just finished the first semester of AU studies and gives a summary of how it went.  Leslie seeks info on how to print more than ten pages of a Vitalsource etext at a time; crickets on this one so far.

Other posts include textbook errors, exam study tips, and courses HADM 400, PHIL 252 and 350, and POEC 230.


A student cautions other students to avoid a specific junior-level course (one reason:  the first assignment is three essays!)  Other posts include appeals for course suggestions (the word “easy” came up at least once.)


@AthabascaU tweets:  “As part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations at #AthabascaU, we’re looking to provide up to 50 bursaries to help our learners complete their degrees. More on #theAUHub”

@austudentsunion tweets:  “Did you know that #AthabascaU students get Office 365 for FREE? Find out more at #igo2AU #studentdiscounts.”