HLST 200 (Introduction to Human Health I) is a three-credit introductory science course that emphasizes the major aspects of health and health-related areas that are of concern to Canadians. The course explores the nature and causes of health problems and discusses how diseases can be treated and prevented. HLST 200 has no prerequisites and has a challenge for credit option, if students are interested in taking that route. Students should note that HLST 200 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for HLTH 200.
Introduction to Human Health I is made up of twelve units, two assignments weighing twenty percent each, a midterm examination weighing thirty percent, and a final examination worth thirty percent. The twelve units within this course cover several health-related topics, such as nutrition, weight, sexuality, pregnancy, heart health, heart disease, aging, and the effects of tobacco and alcohol use. To receive credit for HLST 200, students must achieve a minimum grade of at least a “D+” or fifty-five percent on each of the assignments and the examinations and an overall grade of at least a “C-,” or sixty percent or better for the entire course. The midterm and final examinations for this course must be taken online with an AU-approved exam invigilator at an approved invigilation centre. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that your chosen invigilation centre can accommodate online exams. Registration for this course includes an online electronic textbook.
I recently interviewed a student who took HLST 200. She is currently enrolled into the four-year Bachelor of Arts program at Athabasca University with a major in Psychology and History. She would like to remain anonymous, however, does provide a bit of an introduction, stating “I’m twenty-two years old and I have worked in the oilfield for six years. I have a 5-year-old boy who’s growing big and he’s very healthy; he is going into to grade 1 in September! Interests include hiking, being a program admin for student get togethers, snowshoeing, canoeing, yoga, meditation, and relatively anything to do outside essentially. In my spare time I proceed to read books in the “self help” genre, explore new music, meet new people, and I like to be outdoors as much as I can. Visiting botanic gardens is on the top of my list for my favourite thing to do, this also includes taking care of my plant babies (7 of them)!”
When asked to explain the course to other students, she states “The course HLST200 (I) is a good introductory course on human health and I find it is an important course for all students, regardless of your major. I strongly feel like there is not enough health education available. The information I learned was based on the Canadian Guidelines (including The Canadian Food Guide). Even though I disagree with a lot of the food indications listed in the “invitation to health,” all of the other course content was relevant and I do recommend more students to take it.”
As for the structure of the course, she explains that “The course structure consisted of a mid term (the first 6 chapters), two assignments, and a final (on the other 6 chapters). Assignment 1 is a critiquing essay that is heavily marked by the course coordinator. Assignment 2 is a personal assessment, though I found that the instructions were poor to what the course coordinator expected. There is an expected word count for both of the assignments, and they are expected to be APA formatted essays.”
She found this course to be frustrating, stating “I find online textbooks to be very hard to understand. I also found that it did not matter how much I studied the textbook. If you do not have long-term memory, you will most likely struggle in this course. The information in the textbook is good, but there’s just so much to memorize. I also found that the assignments do not have much to do with the course content. I think quizzes or even more in-depth assignments would make this course a lot better. “
She continues, “The exam itself wasn’t too hard. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, true or false questions, and short answer questions.”
As for any tips or tricks to completing this course, she explains that “All you can do is repeatedly read the textbook as close to your exam writing date as possible. Someone’s common sense will not cut it and apparently you can be wrong about why you take medication and what your medication is called!”
When asked how communication with her tutor was, she states “My assignments and examinations were marked fast. I was expecting a couple days, but my marks came back within 24 hours, though don’t expect any feedback back from your exam. Students could benefit from asking peers or family members, or even consider asking your family doctor for a second option, if that is an option for you.”
She concludes, stating “I recommend every student to take this course, but I do think the Canada Food Guide along with the course coordinator need to be reconsidered.”
Whether HLST 200 is a degree or program requirement of yours, or the topics discussed above are of interest to you, this course will have you learning a lot of interesting material surrounding the topic of human health.