Vintage Voice

Unearthing Classing Articles from Previous Issues of The Voice Magazine

To honour Sherlock Holmes Day on May 22, we sleuthed through the archives, following clues that led us to these elemental offerings.

Breathing life into Holmes.  Janice Behrens chronicles her growing fondness for mystery novels, including the iconic Sherlock Holmes series.  “When reading the books, it is sometimes possible to almost smell the pipe tobacco hanging in the air and hear the sound of horses hooves clopping by outside.”  The Good Life—Sweet Mystery of Life, February 10, 2006.

Life-long love of words.  Bill Pollett traces his fascination with the written word.  “Notice that some words sound exactly like ice skates hissing across a frozen pond, while others drone like sun-drunk wasps, or rustle like badgers sneaking through shoulder-high corn.   Lost and Found—In Praise of Words, July 21, 2004.