Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

Following What's Hot!

AthaU Facebook Group

Josh is moving to Quebec and wonders if students there can get funding to attend AU; responders say no. Faye shares a link to a new AU Humanities group:

Other posts include weekend bookings at ProctorU, library orientation podcast, returning unopened course materials to AU, and courses BIOL 204, COMP 682, HADM 321, and HIST 371.


The student subreddit moderator is moving on and seeks replacement moderators; a few responders step up to keep it going.


@AthabascaU tweets:  “Didn’t catch the live stream? Our recent series of webinars with the

@GlobeAndMail can be viewed online, anytime. Hear from our President, Neil Fassina, on how AU is leading the charge in virtual learning.”

@austudentsunion tweets:  “Hey #AthabascaU students! Did you know you can get an AU student ID card, no matter where you live? Get your card and access student discounts all across Canada! Find out how to get a card at #igo2AU.”