Students Sizzle—AU Social Media

Following What's Hot!

AthaU Facebook Group

Mitch launches a discussion about the online-only 2020 convocation; initial responses indicate some of this year’s grads are feeling disappointed they won’t be able to attend a live event.  Jennifer wonders where to find updates on courses that are temporarily closed; moments later, the link to the course availability list is posted.  Kara is confused by a reference to Lotus Notes for an exam; responses clarify it’s one of the exam platforms AU uses (the other being Much Learning) and is not related to invigilation.

Other posts include selling textbooks, post-exam blues, student interviews, MAIS program, and transferring credits to other universities.


Among a flood of other posts, several involve ENGL courses 155, 211, 212, 255, and 305.


@AthabascaU tweets:  “We’re excited to announce our new podcast, Go The Distance! We partnered with @cbctandem to tell stories of how #AthabascaU learners and transforming lives & transforming communities. When education is accessible, the world changes for the better.”

@austudentsunion tweets:  “The AU Students’ Union is offering a new service for @AthabascaU undergrads! We partnered with VMock Inc. to give our members free access to a web-based SMART resume review platform! SIGN UP TODAY and get a standout resume! #OneAU #careerdevelopment.”