Who couldn’t use an extra $1000 for their studies?
Sixteen AU students can look forward to a $1000 scholarship boost from AUSU this fall. AUSU has two award cycles each year. The fall awards cycle opened for applications October 1, with a deadline of November 1.
Last week’s article summarized the AUSU Bursaries and the New Student Bursaries for the fall awards cycle, as well as the year-round bursaries. This week, we review the scholarships for the fall cycle.
Unlike AUSU’s bursaries, which are based on financial need, scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit. You don’t need to have a stratospheric GPA for most of these awards; the minimum GPA threshold for most of these awards is a mere 2.00.
#IgotoAU Award. Four AU students (two in each award cycle) will walk away with $1000 each for compiling a 2-minute video about their AU experience. No minimum credits required, so any student enrolled in an AU undergrad course qualifies. Post your video on Youtube and provide a link in your application.
Balanced Student Award. AUSU will reward eight students annually (four in each award cycle) with $1000, for demonstrating how well they juggle education with…everything else. Applicants must have completed at least 12 AU credits and have a minimum GPA of 2.00 over the most recent 12 credits. Two reference letters and a short essay are required, along with a current AU transcript.
Returning Student Award. With this award, AUSU recognizes eight students annually (four in each award cycle) who resumed their education after a break of at least two years. Each award recipient gets a cool $1000. Applicants must have completed at least 12 AU credits and have a minimum GPA of 2.00 over the most recent 12 credits. A short essay is required, along with details on prior education and a current AU transcript.
Student Volunteer Award. Calling all volunteers! AUSU will dish out $1000 each to six students annually (three in each award cycle) for demonstrating their community involvement. Applicants must have completed at least 12 AU credits and have a minimum GPA of 2.00 over the most recent 12 credits. An outline of community service activities is required, along with at least one letter of reference and a current AU transcript.
Academic Achievement Scholarship. AUSU will hand out $1000 to each of six AU students each fiscal year (three in each award cycle) who have the highest GPA among the applicants. A minimum GPA of 3.70 is required to apply, and at least 30 AU credits completed. The awards go to the applicants with the highest GPA of the most recent 30 credits. All you need with your online application is a current AU transcript, which you can download through your student portal.
Applications for these AUSU scholarships are only accepted during the spring and fall award cycles, using the online application form. Applications are now open for the fall cycle, and the deadline for applications is November 1.
Don’t wait until the last minute, though, because some award applications require supplementary documents such as letters of reference. Go to www.ausu.org/services/scholarships-awards for complete eligibility and application requirements.