We’re back, and what did we come back into?
At the moment I’m writing this, former vice-president, Joe Biden has the lead in four of the six states left uncalled, with the current voting trend favoring him.
Upcoming remain the court battles, and then, if we allow the cynic in me full reign, the real challenge to a change in power, the electoral college. Many in the electoral college are not legislated to respect the will of the people in the states. While I’m hoping the US election will be over well before the new year, I’m not hopeful about the chances of that happening.
The results of this election stand to make a significant difference to Canada. I tend to believe that Mr. Biden would be better for Canada, and the world, than Mr. Trump, but only because President Biden would be predictable, allowing us to plan. President Trump has demonstrated that he is not.
More concerning, however, are the number of people who we can see on the news standing outside ballot counting offices, sure as can be, because President Trump has said so, that something nefarious is going on within. Whoever wins the election, these people won’t quietly fade away. Their sense of justice and of being cheated has been activated. They are surrounding themselves, as so many of us do, with likeminded people, all of whom work to amplify their own message and, in doing so, leave no room for critical thought. And if the election does eventually turn to Biden, what will these people turn to to seek their justice?
This is the greatest concern, that, feeling cheated, egged on by President Trump to feeling that way, these people will conclude that civil society as a whole is corrupt and against them, and it is that kind of feeling that turns people toward terrorism and acts of violence. To me, this is especially concerning in the US, a nation where a founding father noted that the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants from time to time.
However, for now, the vote remains officially undecided, the issues of the future remain just suppositions and could simply be fever dreams of a pessimist.
Instead, right now, you have a brand new issue of The Voice Magazine, and this week, we start up with a number of solid articles, including not only our interview with fellow AU student, Chelsea Hinds, but we also talk to AU’s newest Writer in Residence, getting an idea of his background and his advice for students who are looking to write and realize themselves, not necessarily in that order.
We also have a look at AUSU’s newest career aid offering, VMock. Adrienne Braithwaite talks to AUSU’s Executive Director Jodi Campbell and looks at what VMock promises and offers. It turns out it’s much more than just a resume database and can give tips specific to your resume and career goals that can help you make the transition from student to employed. Plus, of course, news, reviews, advice, scholarships, events and more! Enjoy the read!