In 1918, the First World War came to an end after a long four years. Even though the vast majority of us in Canada were not even born at the time, we still remember. Most of the men fighting for our country were conscripted at a very young age. The women basically kept Canada running whilst the men were overseas.
As a result of these men’s bravery, Canada is a free country where we can speak and worship how ever we choose. And I think it was a result of the women’s entrance into the workforce, that we can vote in elections and hold public office. We owe the wartime generations everything.
So, I believe we must wear poppies every November to honour the fallen and surviving heroes. It’s the least we can do. Veterans will stand outside and distribute poppies to Canadians in return for a donation to the Royal Canadian Legion. And then at 11:00am, sing O Canada whilst you wear a poppy over your heart. And at sunset on November 11th, you ought to take the poppy off and place it somewhere respectful. Don’t throw it in the garbage!
In 2011, Target came to Canada from the United States of America. There was a bustle of excitement for a few days over that. The excitement fizzled out quite quickly when Canadians realized that we do not receive the same products or prices as the Americans do. To put a nail in the coffin, Target refused to allow veterans to distribute poppies in their stores. A foreign entity disrespecting the most honourable citizens this country has to offer. For what? Well, Target left Canada shortly after that debacle.
Many left-leaning politicians are now wearing the rainbow poppy or wearing white poppies for peace. But I say that if you want your health care provided to you by your province, or your education subsidized, I highly recommend you don a red poppy or pay for your own privileges. A white flag means to surrender. I don’t want to even consider a surrender. As for the rainbow, as brave as it is to come out, it pales in comparison to trench warfare. Please, only wear poppies distributed by veterans.
And every year, we witness poppy box theft. People of exceedingly ill repute steal from society’s most vulnerable: the veterans of the Royal Canadian Legion. The poppy box is full of donations, and everyone in Canada is aware of this fact. Very few people would ever think to steal a poppy box, but every year, someone does.
I’m writing this because I know that the current society in which we live will put me into another righteous rage again this year – like this society does every year.