Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

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AthaU Facebook Group
Heather inquires about student funding for mature AB students taking one course at a time; responses indicate it’s worth applying.  Amoonah just finished a 3-year degree and wants to continue on to make it a 4-year; other students post tips to help her with next steps and timing.

Other posts include delaying exams, study tips, print versions of etexts, prepping home space for a ProctorU exam, and loads of questions from new students trying to navigate online learning without a map.


A student posts a mini-rant about outdated materials and references in some AU courses; responses are sympathetic, and one response indicates this happens at other universities, too.


@AthabascaU tweets:  “#AthabascaU currently has four massive open online courses (MOOCs) running to support those who may be looking to better their teaching or understanding of learning in an online space. Learning to learn online starts in just over a week”

@austudentsunion tweets:  “Yesterday we caught up with Councillor Darcie Fleming on our #Instagram page! Darcie is a 30-year veteran of the non-profit sector and is pursuing a second career in Psychology through her @AthabascaU studies while volunteering. For more: #Igo2AU #canpse.”