Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

Following What's Hot!

AthaU Facebook Group

The sound of deadlines wooshing past:  one student discovers the course enrolment deadline of the 10th doesn’t have much flex (but students can enrol for the next month and still access course materials for a head start.)


The AU Students Discord channel has been popping with activity since its Sept 2020 inception Didn’t get the memo:  One thread about the status of paper exams (apparently they’re still off.)  .


It’s amazing this still gets asked, but one student wonders whether there will be any issue applying to a grad school with an AU bachelor degree; multiple responses indicate an emphatic “no”.


@austudentsunion tweets:  “AU will likely decide in January how much to increase tuition for September ’21. We will be continuing to advocate on students behalf, so we encourage students to take our quick poll! #StudentAdvocacy #canpse #AthaU.”