Eat Desserts to Score Higher Grades

To make the most of our studies, we need to eat well.  The more wholesome foods we eat, the better we fare on exams and during moments of stress.  But who says we can’t be a little sinful when the sin is actually saintly?  Who says we can’t indulge in candy apples, milkshakes, pies, and chocolates when they help us lose weight, better our health, and help us perform at peak academically?

Pretending to eat sinful when actually saintly sounds like a paradox.  But it’s more than a paradox; it’s a paradise.

Let’s explore some desserts that’ll give us the best of health—including brain health—for the ultimate day-to-day performance:

Banana split heaven:

Slice a slightly green banana (a prebiotic), stir in some Krema yogurt (high fat Greek yogurt), mix in frozen berries, and sprinkle on top 70% or higher dark chocolate nibs.  We can train our taste buds to prefer healthy desserts over the sugary ones.  This taste bud shift happens when we also train our gut bacteria to love pure health by feeding it nature’s best.

Candy apple brain health:

Take a green or red apple, slice it in wedges and douse the flesh with flaxseed goodness.  It tastes like a candy apple on nature’s steroids.  A sprinkle of unsweetened cinnamon can tickle the taste buds with a burst of flavor.  Seconds anyone?

Pistachio ice cream highs:

Get a mushy avocado.  Scoop its flesh inside your mouth.  We need not second guess the delectable simplicity of this dessert.  And keep in mind avocados release endorphins.  Feeling good already?

Peanut butter cup brain power:

Dip a slightly green banana in almond butter and sprinkle some cinnamon and dark chocolate nibs on top.  We never feel riddled with guilt when eating unprocessed foods.  But what if we overindulge on pure health?  Those saintly calories make us healthier, help us beat diseases like diabetes, and may even give us an academic edge.  Some say dark chocolate boosts brain power.

Milkshake brain fuel:

Take a cup of kefir milk (prebiotic rich fermented milk) and stir in your preferred frozen fruits.  Blueberries are great for the brain.  So, when studies lead to the blues, reach for a blueberry milkshake, saintly style.  Who said student life need be dull?

Berry pie measure of goodness:

Pull out the bran cereal, high in fiber, and stir in frozen berries and Krema yogurt (high fat Greek yogurt).  The dessert could be a topic of stool health discussions.  A science behind stool health exists, captured in part by the Bristol Stool Chart.  What a way to measure good health!

So, that’s how to eat sinful foods like a saint.  Feast up, dear readers and watch our health skyrocket toward a paradise of delectable desserts.  And watch our grades skyrocket, too.