Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

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AthaU Facebook Group

So glad you asked:  A student’s question about a potential exam re-mark highlights some important points—AU’s website is the best source of info on AU policies, there’s a student manual link on every course page in myAU, and yes you can contact a tutor about an exam mark after the course end date.


Quote me on this:  A how-to question on a specific in-text APA quotation receives a specific answer and APA guide reference in four minutes flat.  Go team!


Reach out and touch someone:  Responses to a query about what it’s like to ask for reference letters from AU tutors highlight the importance of contacting course tutors even if you don’t need immediate assistance.


@AthabascaU tweets:  “Do you know an outstanding #AthabascaU alum? Someone who’s changing the world through amazing contributions? Nominate them:”