Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

Following What's Hot!

AthaU Facebook Group

Remember how confusing it was when you started AU?  A new student wonders if a course has to be started right on the start date, and of course the answer is “total flexibility”!


Well, here’s a refreshing change.  Amongst the repeated requests for tips on easy courses, one student stands out by asking for tips on interesting courses.  So far, responses suggest IDRL 316, PSYC 300, and WGST 333.


@aulibarchives tweets:  “Our mailing services are back up and running! For more info on our mailing services see: #AULIbrary #Librarymail.”


Athabasca U posts a few videos with a “Research with Reach” theme.  Check out Athabasca University Research with Reach – Dr. Josie Auger, in which Dr Auger describes how she examines the legacy and impact of sexual violation on Indigenous women.