Vintage Voice

Unearthing Classic Articles from Previous Issues of The Voice Magazine

This long Victoria Day weekend will be, for many people, the second in pandemic-induced lockdown.  Time for a nostalgic look back at two takes on May Two-Four.

Does Roy know about this?  Columnist Hazel Anaka gears up for a long-weekend yard sale.  “I’ve gotten some grief from family members because I’m also going to sell Roy’s recliner.”  From Where I Sit – Shameless Huckster, May 18, 2009.

Seasonal adjustments.  Bill Pollett reflects on his slowness to warm up to Vancouver’s sun-soaked spring.  “The cyclists, roller-bladers, wind-boarders, skim-boarders, kayakers, and joggers (who never really left, anyway) have emerged once again from their dreary bulb-like sleep, and are blooming in vernal spandex glory in every available outdoor space throughout the city. How depressing.”  Lost and Found – Here Comes Spring, April 7, 2006.