Graduate Student Research Conference Abstract Submission Deadline Extended!

Graduate Student Research Conference Abstract Submission Deadline Extended!

Call for abstracts extended until Aug.15, 2021

The abstract submission deadline for the 2021 Graduate Student Research Conference (GSRC) has been extended until August 15, 2021, at 11:59 MT!

The GSRC is a conference for all graduate and undergraduate learners to come together and showcase their research. Whether your research is completed or under way, anyone who is interested can submit an abstract. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three graduate submissions and the top three undergraduate abstract submissions.


You won’t regret taking a chance on this opportunity to present your research, receive relevant feedback, and improve your public speaking skills in front of a supportive peer environment.


“Presenting at the Graduate Student Research Conference was such a positive experience! It allowed me to gain confidence in presenting at an academic conference. I was able to see the work my peers were doing on their projects, and I was also able to understand what students in other faculties were researching,” said Lindsay McNena, 2021 Graduate Student Research Conference Coordinator.

“I received valuable comments from both peers and faculty, which I was able to take back and apply to my project.” _______________________________________________________________


Abstracts can be submitted in the following formats:

  • Virtual paper presentations: 15-minute presentation, followed by a five-minute question period.
  • Virtual poster presentations: 5-minute presentation followed by a question-and-answer period.


Even if you have not started your own research, you should consider attending the conference. Registration is now open and early bird pricing is available until Sept. 4, 2021.

Don’t forget—you have until Aug. 15, 2021, to submit an abstract for a chance to win cash prizes!