Vintage Voice

Unearthing Classic Articles from Previous Issues of The Voice Magazine

Hey, how did it get to be the end of August already?  The march of time is like online studies:  relentless.

It’s back-to-school-flyer season.  Barbara Lehtiniemi clings to the rapidly-dwindling days left in summer.  “I want the days to feel like they’ll last forever, with no sign of September on the horizon. I want more time.”  Late Summer Lament, August 28, 2015.

Preserve summer’s bounty.  The Voice‘s online feature provides handy links to help you can it or freeze it.  “We’re all aware of the environmental benefits of home preserving fruits, vegetables, and herbs, but the task of preparing it all seems daunting.”  Click of the Wrist – Summer Harvest, August 20, 2010.