Scholarship of the Week

Digging Up Scholarship Treasure for AU Students!

Scholarship name:  Ingenium-NSERC STEAM Horizon awards

Sponsored by:  Ingenium Foundation, NSERC, and Indspire

Deadline:  January 15, 2022, 8:00 pm EST

Potential payout:  $25,000

Eligibility restriction:  Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada; be 16 to 18 years old as of the application date; have been recognized for accomplishments in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art and design or mathematics (STEAM); have maintained an academic average of at least 80%; and be preparing to enroll in the fall of 2022 in their first year of post-secondary education in a STEAM field at a Canadian institution.

What’s required:  A completed application form, along with a description of STEAM achievements, academic transcripts, two letters of support, and a two-minute maximum video clip.

Tips:  Be sure to read the Instructions for completing an application for valuable information on the process.

Where to get