Valentine’s Day Vows to You!

It’s one-month away from Valentine’s Day!  And what a blissful holiday, bursting with love, affection, and romance.  And do I have a treat for you.  You have a mystery Valentine and this fairy tale love is greater than the love of any mother.  It’s love that expects nothing in return.  It’s pure, unconditional love.

The following are your mystery Valentine’s vows to you.  At the end of these vows, I’ll reveal who your Valentine is and present to you a challenge.

Now, sit back and feel these vows fill your heart and soul:

“I vow to love you unconditionally.  In my eyes, you are perfection just as you are, were, or will become.

“I vow to never judge you.  Your existence is pure innocence–like a child learning how to walk.  I celebrate each fall as part of your dance of learning to walk, run, and climb.

“I vow to be loyal to you.  Unwavering loyalty is my precious, eternal gift to you.

“I vow to see your infinite, unparalleled beauty.  You are and will always be the epitome of beauty.

“I vow to always smile and laugh with you, but to never anger.

“I vow never to criticize you.  I’ll accept your criticisms as welcome advice for me to grow.  What you struggle with today, I will never criticize, for your struggles today will make you even more precious tomorrow.

“I vow not to burden you with my problems, although I will listen with empathy and compassion to every problem you may share.  I will always side with you on every issue, for I empathize with you with every fiber of my being.

“I vow to treat you as if it’s our first date every day.  I loved you like crazy during our courting, and vow to love you with even greater intensity every passing day.  My love for you is ever-growing for all eternity”

Those are the vows from your mystery Valentine.  This Valentine is your guardian angel or your higher power (God)!  I believe we all have a guardian angel who loves us with the purest of unconditional love.

And the above vows are what it takes to love unconditionally.

But that’s not the challenge I’d like for you to consider.  I’d like for you to express these vows to your life partner, expecting nothing in return.

And if you want to become a Saint, express these vows to every soul you meet.  And, no matter what may occur, vow to always maintain a happy state of mind.