Tensions are escalating between Russia and the Ukraine—again. Long-time Voice columnist, Hazel Anaka, penned a pair of columns back in 2014, voicing her concerns about that year’s Russia-Ukraine tensions.
Ukrainian at heart. Hazel Anaka expresses her concern and outrage at events unfolding in her beloved Ukraine. “I’m sick of the corruption, the entitlement, the insanity, the big talk and the impotence of civilized society to fix things.” From Where I Sit – I’m Sick, April 18, 2014.
A key to understanding. Hazel Anaka finds solace and relevance in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried. “Because of my own ethnic background and heightened awareness of all things Ukrainian, I have been watching the actions of Russia’s Putin with horror and revulsion.” From Where I Sit – The True Price of Freedom, April 24, 2014.