Vintage Voice

Unearthing Classic Articles from Previous Issues of The Voice Magazine

World Sleep Day on March 18 comes at an appropriate time, since many of us have spent the past few days staggering through the adjustment to Daylight Saving Time, .

Put a sock in it.  Columnist Hazel Akana muses on that often-annoying impediment to good sleep:  snoring.  “Another, not often discussed, danger to the snorer is the very real risk of being smothered by your spouse.  Trust me, I’ve considered it.”  From Where I Sit – Getting Some Sleep, March 26, 2010.

Studying can be bad for your health.  Debbie Jabbour focuses on student-specific health threats, including weight gain, headaches, alcohol (over)use, and sleep.  “For a while earlier this year I was finding myself falling asleep in front of my computer, in the middle of an essay, suddenly too tired to go on.”  From My Perspective – Students & Health, October 2, 2002.