Who are your fellow students? It can feel like you are all alone in your studies, but across the nation, around the globe, students like you are also pursuing their AU education, and The Voice Magazine wants to bring their stories to you. If you would like to be featured next, do not hesitate to get in touch!
The Voice Magazine recently had the chance to chat with Simeon, who is currently residing in Dieppe, Nova Scotia, which is in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People.
Simeon is currently in the Bachelor of Health Administration program at AU, stating “I planned to apply for a senior-level role. I currently work in the hospital’s health records department and plan to continue to work there.”
The student continued, “I am blessed with a beautiful wife, a gorgeous girl, and a good-looking boy. I have a rich work experience of over 15 years in various roles in aviation but now changing lanes to become a health administrator and data scientist. I moved to British Columbia in 2016 from Nigeria, my first job was with Nordia Inc. (Bell customer server centre in Nanaimo). I have also worked with WestJet, CanadaPost and Accor Management Service. I also run a small delivery business, MyWay Express Inc. (www. mywayexpress.ca).”
When not studying, Simeon “like[s] watching soccer, business news channels like Bloomberg, and listening to music.” The student continued, “I am reading about clinical research, an online resource by Vanderbilt University, and Bloomberg.”
When asked who has had in greatest influence on the busy learner’s desire to learn, Simeon stated, “My wife. She has always wanted me to be the best.”
As for the experience with online learning so far? “I am technology savvy, so I am conversant with web navigation. I like the simplicity of the process, from admission to registration, and the website is user-friendly.” And the dislikes? “That will be studying alone with no constant chat with fellow students.”
Like many students, Simeon has wavered about continuing the educational process before becoming determined once again, stating, “At the point when I realized I needed to work more hours to meet my living expenses, but then I reminded myself of my future goal. So I am determined to keep on until I achieve my health administration degree in the shortest time possible.” In particular, motivation came from the “quest to get a better-paid job.”
Simeon has found an AU Management course most memorable, explaining, “Because it is setting the foundation on the right path for me to become a manager.”
If Simeon were to be the new president of AU, a first project would be “to create a platform for students to discuss, chat, and relate. We will also have an alumni section where current students can seek learning and career advice.”
The most valuable lesson in the learner’s life has been “to be kind to be people and helpful as life situations can change in a second.” And the proudest moment? “My wedding day.”
The one thing that distinguishes Simeon from others is being “very versatile, innovative, and resourceful.” The student continued, “I love to try new things and discuss business, careers, and the future with serious-minded people.” As a final though Simeon stated, “I am a serial entrepreneur who likes to share business ideas with like minds.” Best of luck Simeon!