Supplemental confusion. A student wonders why the grade for a completed course shows as finalized before a scheduled supplemental exam has been written. Responses assure this is normal, and the grade will be updated once the supplemental is written and marked.
You say to-mah-to. Now that the spat between AB and AU has chilled, students turn towards other weighty matters, like the spelling and usage of “practise” (or is it “practice”?).
Managing the load. A full-time student wonders how to fit 6-month courses into a 4-month semester schedule without exceeding the maximum course load at any given time. Others respond with advice on timing and other work-arounds.
@AthabascaU tweets: “Thank you, #AthabascaU students, alumni, team members and friends, for your passionate support of AU! Please see an update from @Peter_Scott on our commitment to working with the province and our stakeholders for the good of our learners and AU. #abpse”