I just read an article called “31 Things That Happen When You Finally Decide to Live Your Dreams.” I’d recommend you read it just to get a sense of what occurs when you truly live the dream. The article is so telling that I wondered if the author was a burgeoning movie star, celebrity, or business tycoon. But he was a psychology Ph.D. student. So perhaps his education was the foundation for his wisdom.
As background, I searched his article because I wanted to confirm whether I am living the dream. I once worked a job at a disability employment center cutting strings on hand-sewn bags. I earned a salary of $5 total every two weeks (80 hours). Now I’m working toward making six figures through pay raises from my present employer and weekend side projects. I hope to reach this six-figure goal within five years.
But even if I don’t achieve the goal, it’s fun trying.
Here are seven things that are unfolding because of my aim to live the dream:
I’m walking a path toward enlightenment. I was once a hard-core atheist. But I’ve since discovered that to truly realize our potential, we must live a life governed by service and unconditional love for others. And once we commit to loving all others, we begin the tread toward the path of enlightenment. Life becomes joyous when we strive for enlightenment, and the pieces of all life’s puzzles swiftly start fitting together.
My loyalty to my employers is increasing my income. At first, my employer was skeptical of me. I admittedly didn’t have a top-notch skillset at the outset. But I hung in there through a highly disciplined work ethic, a love for my work, and a thirst for skills development. But loyalty cemented my career and led to a higher pay grade. When three members of staff left for greener pastures, I stayed loyal. As well, I recently heard of a worker’s devoted goal of working ten years for his firm. So, that’s now my goal, too. That’s because loyalty aids in living the dream.
As I let go of the expectations of others, every relationship of mine deepens. I didn’t have many friends not long ago, and my relationship with my mom was horrific. But, once I let go of the expectations of others and committed to loving unconditionally, my friendships deepened and widened. After over a decade of feuding, my beloved mom has spoken her love and adoration for me. When she leaves this world, we will have parted in a place of love. Mended relationships are the greatest gifts that arise from letting go of the expectations of others.
I have all my needs met, and I meet the needs of others. Not that long ago, I’d ache from a lack of food. I’d dig every corner of my dwelling for just enough money to buy a banana. And I’d eat the peel, too, just to stretch the budget. Now I’m able to stock the shelves while also helping others. A decent salary is beneficial, although not necessary, toward living the dream.
My appearance is rapidly improving. I’d recently walk through the oil and gas towers sporting blue and white flower pants with a ripped knee, unwashed hair, and no makeup. I clearly recall one businessman glaring at my knee as he heaved a gasp. Since then, I’ve been using hair care products made from nontoxic natural food. I’ve been applying a tiny bit of makeup and developed a rock-solid fashion sense on a budget. I fit in nicely with the oil and gas crowd now. A decent appearance increases opportunities.
I’m learning skills at hyper speed. Recently, I could barely afford a single $14 Udemy course, often opting for a few groceries instead. Therefore, my skillset languished, and I found myself further behind on career qualifications. But now, I have the income to learn from top-notch coaches and to enroll in otherwise unaffordable courses. As a result, I am gaining fast traction on the skillset required for qualifying for six-figure careers should my employer retire. The more skills acquired, the more likely it is to be immersed in a dream career.
After reading the psychologist author’s 31 things that happen when living the dream, I feel I’m only partway there. That’s because I only fully grasp a handful of the thirty-one items. I mean, I’ve never felt happier or more fulfilled in my entire life. But there’s always more to accomplish.
And besides, an adverse life event could threaten to topple my joy. Books on fiction writing indicate that audiences are intrigued by characters infused with a passion for their careers. That’s because the audience knows the bliss won’t last. But there’s a remedy—learning to control the mind to be joyful even during tragic times.
How many of the 31 items listed by the psychologist might you, too, have fully grasped? Without question, you deserve to be fully living your dream life. So, what will be your next step to experiencing all 31 things that happen when you strive to live your dreams?