Scholarship of the Week!

Scholarship name:  The Brandon Langhjelm Memorial Essay Contest 2022

Sponsored by:  Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Deadline:  October 31, 2022, 11:59 pm MST

Potential payout:  $2000

Eligibility restriction:  Applicants must be age 15 to 24 as of contest deadline, permanent residents or citizens of Canada, and enrolled as a student (public school, private school, homeschool, post-secondary institution, or other recognized educational institution).

What’s required:  An online application form or email, along with a 1500-2500 word essay on the following topic:  “Canadian governments are making Digital ID technologies a precondition of access to essential services and goods. What can Canadians do to protect their Charter rights and freedoms against the dangers of these technologies?”

Tips:  Read the sections on essay length, formatting, and sources carefully.

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