I love talking to entrepreneurial or hardworking women. They inspire me to dream bigger. They draw out of me that part of the spirit that is unstoppable. And you are that spirit, whether you know it or not. I’ve had the tremendous fortune of encountering the triumphs of three incredible women. And they instilled in me a passion I feel compelled to share with you.
I have a lovely friend whom I met over twenty years ago. She’s always into crafts and had a Christmas tree decorated with handmade embellishments. She’d often make me gifts from scratch, like poems or a beautiful frame containing a dried flower. And her Halloweens are more compelling than anything you’d see in a costume shop.
Not long ago, she began making birdhouses and bird food. Her handcrafted birdhouses were more beautiful than anything I’d ever seen. But what hit home the most was her news today that her bird food was being retailed in stores. She is truly an inspiration.
And I know a young merchant who is forced to close shop. But instead of waiting for opportunities, she’s actively seeking them. She just told me that she is bartering rent for a location that is one of the finest in the city. In other words, she’s going from an F grade location to an A grade. She is taking advantage of low rental rates due to post-Covid. And she’s negotiating the ideal rent at the best site in the city. She has a vision and a positive can-do attitude. She is a role model.
My mom isn’t an entrepreneur but consistently demonstrated an exceptional work ethic. It’s partly due to her Swiss-German heritage, as they are known to be more stoic. Mom taught us to make beds without creases—truly military style. Our clothes were always freshly pressed and smelled like the outdoors as she hung them outside to dry. And she made five-course meals, complete with dessert, for almost every dinner, despite working a career. But what strikes me most about Mom are her words: “Pa pushed me hard. When I felt I had no energy to keep working, he’d push me, and I’d get it done.” She, too, truly inspires me.
So, now I’m working full-time and taking three courses. I work from 8 AM to 11:15 PM daily to stay caught up. And today I’m going swimming to work off the stress.
You, like me, might be overwhelmed with work, school, and other responsibilities. But you, too, have a spirit that can manifest any positive outcome you desire. I sincerely believe in your every dream!
The key for me is to stay positive when overloaded with work. I often think of those hardworking females and entrepreneurs. They have incredible spirits that can help me grow. You, too, have that tremendous spirit. Your soul is infinite and unstoppable, especially in its most authentic essence. And that’s one of many reasons I feel inspired by—why I adore–all of you.