Editorial—Here’s Looking at You

In case you weren’t already aware, AUSU’s by-election is currently in motion.  Right now, candidates are coming forward to be placed on the ballot and run for AUSU.  What does being an AUSU councillor mean? What does it get you?  There’s an article currently in the works to help answer those questions, but among the things it means is that you get to have a voice at the table.  A table that recently decided to forego a payment from the Student Price Card organization and instead provide that payment directly to you in the form of a cheaper card.  These cards can get you discounts at a number of merchants all across Canada, and even a few internationally.

Being on AUSU Council will also get you a front seat to all the goings on when things happen like the recent firing of former President Scott.  Of course, given how the Board decided to avoid informing the students until it was a fait accompli, sometimes that doesn’t mean a lot, but it will also mean you get to be in the discussions about the aftermath.  You’ve got until February 26 to submit your self-nomination, but those days can sneak by quickly, so don’t hesitate.

In the meantime, however, I’m happy to announce that The Voice Magazine 2023 Survey is now up.  One of the ways to make sure that The Voice Magazine stays relevant to students is to simply ask them what they need.  So we’ve put together a short little survey about how the Voice is now and what you think it could do in the future to become even better for you.

And even if you think we’re doing just fine, well, we’d like to hear that as well.  So to sweeten the pot, we’ve got five $100 Amazon Gift cards we’re giving away to random respondents, as well as five Proctor U Exam Codes.  All you need to do is go to our survey, answer just under 20 questions, and include your name and email address.  The survey closes in 10 days, that’s February 27, 2023, and we’ll do a random drawing from all the respondents shortly after that.

You don’t even need to be a current student to enter this one, because we know that there are Voice Magazine readers from all over,  including graduate students, some members of the AU staff, and more, so we thought it only fair if the prizes could go to anyone at all!

Once you’ve done that, come back here and check out the latest magazine, including an interview with a student who’s been doing online education since she was in seventh grade, a look at what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, and the perils and positives of some of the street food in Mexico from a student who recently travelled there for a holiday.

Also, if you’re thinking of going on a diet, be sure to take a look at Homemade is Better this week, where Chef Corey talks about the keto diet, and provides a recipe that sounds good even if you’re not dieting.

Of course, we’ve also got music reviews, advice, news, events, and scholarships.  We’ve also got a consideration of the nature of beauty, and an interesting look at what happened with an experiment in tuition free education in Ontario, with ties to the notion of if the modern post-secondary education is simply working to reinforce the status quo.

So, find your favorite articles, or favorite author, think about what else you’d like to see in the Voice Magazine, and then head over to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Voice2023 to make sure to get your entry (and your ideas) in for your chance for a nice little bonus, courtesy of The Voice Magazine and AUSU.

And, as always, enjoy the read!