AthaU Facebook Group
No universal answer. Limited invigilator availability has one student wondering if it’s okay to write a final exam before completing other course assignments; responses suggest it’s okay in some courses but prohibited in others—check with the syllabus and the tutor.
Oh look, a squirrel! Conservation in the #coffee-shop-lounge channel ranges from critical thinking, motivating music, baking, and squirrels at the birdfeeder.
This one and that one. A steady stream of course-specific queries on BIOL 235, CMNS 202, COMP 372, HSRV 201, and MUSI 267.
@austudentsunion tweets: “@AthabascaU students facing food insecurity can apply to AUSU’s Virtual Food Assistance Program by entering in a monthly draw for one of five major grocery chain gift cards worth one hundred dollars CAD.”
@aulibarchives tweets: “Do you keep getting asked to sign in to EBSCO Host? This is probably because your search session has timed out! Learn how to save your search links so you can return to them! #AULibrary.”