A Japanese journalist’s camera turns up sixteen years after he was killed covering protests in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). After you read the story, check out our coverage of 2007 events.
The Saffron Revolution. Mandy Gardner looks back at the Burmese protests and other world events in this news feature. “[T]he ruling Burmese junta (formally known as the State Peace and Development Council) did away with gas subsidies in a move that saw prices rise 100% in some cases. This led to massive protests not only by average Burmese citizens, but most notably by Burmese monks.” International News Desk – A look back at the major news events of 2007, December 21, 2007.
Seeing the world from the other side. Then-editor Sanda Livingston observes that our perspective of the world is limited. “The story wasn’t widely covered, but it was a tiny glimpse from the other side of the looking glass. ‘There’ could be anywhere—Fiji, Bangladesh, Morocco, Estonia. Places most of us form opinions about through the filter of our national media; opinions that can become dangerously narrow if they’re always from the same vantage point.” Editorial – The View From There, May 16, 2008.