This posting seeks someone who can learn and teach the usage of Cloud technology to the broader and emerging AU research community. The successful applicant will “support the creation of an openly licensed Toolkit (open educational resource–OER) to support planning, delivering, and mobilizing research data in cloud computing environments.” As you’d imagine, this job covers and requires aspects of a “digital literacy spectrum” leading to the Cloud’s unique value as a storage and organization system. The Cloud’s library-like “interactive decision matrix” here shall mix with the goals of researchers and facilitators–including maybe you! In total this job entails involvement in about fifteen research projects over the next year. For more information and to submit CV, cover letter, transcript and two references, please contact Dr. Paul Daniels at
Research Assistantship Opportunity!
Head in the Clouds? Why not be the Cloud, the Tech Cloud That IS.
Research Assistantship Opportunity!