AU Facebook Page
Midterm tips. A poster asks for advice on the midterm for NUTRI 331: Nutrition for Health. A commenter suggests contacting the course tutor and ask for practice questions. The commenter says that doing this has helped her prepare for midterms and finals in the past.
Tutor switch. A poster feels as though their tutor for LGST 369: Commercial Law is marking them unfairly and wonders if it is possible to switch tutors. Responses weren’t exactly relevant, ranging from asking who the tutor was to sharing experiences with tutors who forgot to send welcome emails.
@AthabascaU tweets: “’There’s very few people doing the same kind of work. I’ve never met another trans person of colour in Alberta who is a psychologist doing this.’ Master of Counselling grad Mateo Huezo continues to break barriers treating trans and racialized folks.”
@aulibarchives tweets: “Not sure where to begin with using the library? Check out a recording of our Library Orientation: #AULibrary”