Vintage Voice

Unearthing Classic Articles from Previous Issues of The Voice Magazine

September generally brings an influx of new students to AU.  We dug in the archives (but not too deeply) for some still-current advice for new students.

Take a deep breath.  Tara Panrucker lists eleven points of advice for new students.  “Deadlines, long assignments, piles of research looming, and new jargon can all be taken in stride when you read advice from those who have gone before you.”  A Short Guide for New Online University Students, January 18, 2019.

Finding help.  Natalia Iwanek provides links to AU departments that can provide assistance in various areas.   “Coming to AU as someone who had experience in post-secondary education, I had been confident, but during my first few weeks and months, I realized that this was a vastly different experience, and not solely because it was online.”  Navigating AU as a New Student, October 7, 2022.