Beyond Literary Landscapes—Perseverance

From my early beginnings as a young introvert, the public library has always been a bit of a refuge.  Years later, not much has changed, albeit with an additional affinity for endless hours spent scouring second-hand bookstores to add to my ever-growing “to-read” pile.

From one bookworm to another, this column will be underscoring and outlining various literary genres, authors, and recent reads and can serve as an introduction for those unfamiliar with these works, as a refresher for long-time aficionados, and maybe as an inspiration for readers to share their own suggested topics.  Do you have a topic that you would like covered in this column?  Feel free to contact me for an interview and a feature in an upcoming column.


Moving away from previous weeks’ difficult topics, this column focuses on a slightly more upbeat theme, namely perseverance in literature.

Perseverance can be defined as “continued effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time.”


Some examples of perseverance in literature include The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.  R.  R.  Tolkien.


These works are set throughout the United States, Spain, Morocco, Egypt, and Middle Earth.


These novels are set during past times, as well as the 20 and 21-centuries.


These works may be of interest to AU students who require inspiration in any aspect of their lives, whether this is completing their degrees, overcoming hardship, or starting over.


AU’s wide range of diverse courses make it easy to study this topic in depth.  Courses related to perseverance are available in a variety of disciplines, including one’s that may fit into your Degree Works.  (Always check with an AU counsellor to see if these particular courses fulfill your personal graduation requirements!)

AU students interested in this topic may consider enrolling in ENGL 381: Creative Writing in Prose, a senior-level, three-credit course, which focuses on “your work and its development .  .  .  [as well as] on engagement, patience, and perseverance.”  (Students should note that this course requires several courses as prerequisites, including ENGL 211: Prose Forms, ENGL 212: Poetry and Plays, a grade of B in ENGL 353: Intermediate Composition, as well as professor approval.  In addition, students must “have a sound background in literature and proven essay-writing ability.”)  Happy reading!