The Miracle We Can Give our Jewish, Arabic, Ukrainian, and Russian Friends

The Miracle We Can Give our Jewish, Arabic, Ukrainian, and Russian Friends


I felt remorse to hear that some professors cheered on the attack against Israel. Cheering on the murder of another human being should not be tolerated in academic circles, in unions, or from celebrities. But promoting love and peaceful solutions for all is what we should be seeking, whether for our Jewish, Arabic, Ukrainian, or Russian friends. And as they all have souls, they are meant to be our friends. All of humanity is here for us to love.


Cheering on murderers and hating a group of people is not academic progress. Academia has too many angles bent on enemies and oppressors, victimization, and hatred. Love is the only actual academic progress in my mind. Everything else falls short and needs improvement. But all of life’s shortcomings are here to direct us to strive for the ideal: unconditional love.


The Hamas leader calls for a Day of Rage? Why not a day of love? Rage is destructive and regressive. Love is growth and life-giving. Why don’t the Hamas people call for a day of love for themselves, their Jewish neighbors, and the world? That’s the only real progressive solution. The rest is destruction.


The Jewish community has significantly contributed to my life. They brought the first religious text to capture the Old Testament, which was later adopted and modified to an extent, if I’m correct, by the Christian and Islamic faiths. And my philosophy on unconditional love came from a Jewish man named Paul Friedman of The Marriage Foundation. His philosophies radically changed my life trajectory.


And a dear Muslim professor had once given me a poem about a purple dragon. The moral of the poem is to love everyone, including our enemies. His poem captured the true heart of all religions combined. He was an advocate of true academic progress, in my mind.


Recently, I saw a near-death experience story where the person said that he saw, during his heavenly experience, the words of a book titled A Course in Miracles. So, I bought the book and am reading it. Our Jewish, Arabic, Ukrainian, and Russian friends need a miracle. And that miracle can only emerge from love.


While this may sound like the 70s hippy movement, it’s not. Love is not about indiscriminate sexuality. It’s 100% from the heart! It’s love for all beings! It’s a recognition that every soul is a spark of the divine. It’s a recognition that we are all one, that nothing is essentially bad about anyone, for we are all manifestations of pure love. It is just our drive to survive that takes us from our divine nature. Our thoughts and bodies, not our souls, compel us to hate, for our souls, our true selves, are nothing but love. This philosophy of love is from the Jewish founder of The Marriage Foundation. And, according to the book called A Course in Miracles, the gift of a miracle occurs when people with more give to people who have less. And what better gift can anyone give than their love?


I love our Jewish neighbors. I love our Arabic neighbors, our Russian neighbors, and our Ukrainian neighbors. I believe anything less is to go against the will of God. We can always strive for the highest ideals no matter what happens. And Days of Love, not Rage, are the tools to achieve positive and uplifting ideals.