How to contact your academic expert? A student tried to contact her academic expert at AU through the student help centre. However, the help centre sends the student a dead-end message to submit a request to the student help centre. As a result, the student asks how to contact an actual human. One student replies that contacting might help. The student seeking the academic expert found guidance from a helpful fellow student instead.
When to apply to OSAP? A student asks if the application to OSAP happens semester by semester. Another student replies that it happens yearly.
Is the counselling diploma enough to practice? A student is looking at either a Master of Counselling or a Master of Counselling Diploma. The student asks if practicing with the 1.5-year Counselling Diploma is possible. Another student replies that the diploma is insufficient and the master’s degree, which takes 3.5 years, including the practicum, is necessary. The replying student advises to seek out a practicum early because it’s a requirement for graduation and can be challenging to secure.
Get writing advice from AU’s Writer in Residence. @AthabascaU posts, “Experimental poet, artist, and editor @christianbok has been named Athabasca University’s 2023-24 Writer in Residence. He has already started advising AU students and aspiring authors on the writing process, from manuscript to publication.”
What is grey literature, and can we trust it? @aulibarchives posts, “Not sure what grey literature is or how to find it? Have a look at our guide:”