Student Sizzle!—Following What’s Hot!

AU Social Media


How to resubmit an assignment? One student reported that his TA asked him to resubmit an assignment, but he was unable to locate the option to do so on the platform. Another student suggested that the TA should revert the original submission to a draft status, which would allow the first student to delete and reupload the assignment.


When to register for a program and apply for student loans. A student is interested in pursuing a BA in Psychology and would like to know about the registration process for those who require student loans. Another student responds that acceptance into a program is not a requirement to apply for student loans. The student suggests contacting the provincial funding agency to ensure that all the requirements for student loan funding are met.


All about Athabasca University exams. @AthabascaU posts, “This high-level overview of how Athabasca University exams work will help you book and complete your exam with minimal stress so you can focus on what’s important: studying!”

Watch the AU Library YouTube channel on how to research. @aulibarchives posts, “Missed a FGS Developing Your Research Series session? You can find recordings here:”

AU student or alumna wins the bronze medal for powerlifting@AthabascuBiz writes, “Congratulations to our students and alums in this month’s AU Accolades. Shauna Hammer (BMgmt’ 23) won a bronze medal for her bench press at the 2023 IPF World Masters Powerlifting Championships in Mongolia.”