Policy pronouncements are just words until the rubber hits the road with actual action. Be it our ceasing to procrastinate in our studies that we may engage in some real research, or governments enacting assorted legislation purportedly to ameliorate climate change, the proof really is in the pudding. To that end, this research assistant posting seeks “to support Canadian municipalities to monitor, measure and achieve net-zero (GHG) mitigation goals.” If you fancy yourself as a watchdog agency this clearly is the job for you.
What counts as an emission depends on who you ask; as in a crowded elevator, the struggle to overcome silent-but-deadly syndrome is surely real. This research project “studies and creates improved measurement, analysis and monitoring systems for both municipal and community-wide GHG emissions to advance the quantification of GHG emission.” Of interest here is how qualitative measurements, such as polluted air noticeable whenever an urbanite blows her nose, is less scientifically valid than more quantitative metrics.
Based in Alberta and including ten or so “partner organizations” the research will include interviews with stakeholders and “reducing data and summarising the findings, all complemented with secondary data.” Unlike reducing a sauce in the kitchen, this requires some heavy digital lifting. Having completed data gathering and analysis the Research Assistant will present a report to participating municipalities and universities such as the University of Waterloo. Living up to that school’s sports nickname (Warriors), this job requires a climate warrior ready and able to dig into the weeds of complex measurement and analysis tools – presumably amidst the invariably contested terrain of what is to be considered a noxious emission and how to measure them. Were but intuition to count as pure science!
Interested candidates should forward their resume, cover letter, two references, academic transcript and related “interests and experiences” to Dr. Eduardo Ordonez-Ponce at eduardo.ordonez@athabascau.ca. Like the ‘Little Prince’ from the insightful children’s book, the noble winning candidate will be furthering the existential improvement of life itself. Good luck!