Debate Can Change Academia’s Model

I always wanted to learn debate, but today at work, emotions ran high over an argument regarding a product launch.  I felt terrible because I caused suffering for the other person, which is the last thing I want to do with anyone.  I care about my employer and his family and even have an uncanny karmic bond with all of them, which I won’t disclose in this article.  So, I felt sorrow that I caused suffering.

Debate skills and etiquette are essential for mastering leadership roles in any company.  So, I decided to learn debate to address my inability to advance my arguments without emotion.  That way, I can zero in on the points of agreement and disputation without getting emotionally wired.  After all, emotions are merely our body’s drive to survive, our self-preservation, and not our true essence, which I believe is unconditional love.  It’s a theory I take from author Paul Friedman.

So, I looked at Udemy and found a course on debating, and I bought two books on professional debate, which I just started reading.  I also looked into prestigious debate clubs in Canada to find an online course.  However, debate clubs cater to high-school students and some to universities.  The U of C debate team is world-class, so I contacted the university debate club to see if I could join but received no reply.

I aim to learn debate to analyze and debate philosophers’ views on academia.  I want to find points of agreement and disagreement related to the model of academia I hope to advance, which proposes the end of academic theories that pit an oppressor against a victim.  Billionaires’ biases, or their money, have the ability to advance who gets persecuted in the oppressor/victim dichotomy, and this model needs to be discontinued, in my view.  It must be replaced with university policies that promote everyone’s interest—advocating for love for all.  Isn’t that a better value to pursue than demonizing a group or an individual?

So, I started reading a book on debate, which proved that the art of debate is entirely new to me.  In other words, the learning curve is super high.  But I believe I’m meant to learn how to debate since I’ve always wanted to learn how.  That goes for all our desires that we’ve toyed with but never realized–if they’re healthy, it’s our duty to manifest them!

Debate is one of those passions I’ve never addressed—until now.  So, here are some essential insights I’ve gleaned from resources so far about the craft of debate:

  • Research a topic for debate, blocking out sections that provide strong arguments that we agree or disagree with. We need to find a response to these blocks later.
  • Summarize the block with one sentence.
  • Find the most vital sentence in that block and reword it in our own words.
  • Find and address weaknesses in our rebuttals.
  • Study philosophers, as they can contribute to the strength of any debate.
  • Study the philosophers as if we’re researching their views—blocking the points we agree and disagree with to later confirm or dispute.

As a result of this insight, I will set up a YouTube channel where I compile philosophers who discuss academia’s quotes.  Then, I plan on finding argumentation and support for my model of unconditional love in academia, which I plan to turn into a book.

Why not? If we have an idea for systemic change that leads to more beneficial outcomes for everyone, then perhaps studying debate is a first step.  And if we care about our employers and colleagues, debate and its etiquette are vital skills to learn.