What did we do so far today? This past week? Whatever we do is a good determiner of what our life will become. So, what are we doing now?
During the past week, I compiled a 3500-word article for The Voice, wrote two more articles for The Voice, wrote and submitted a ten-page final report for a marketing class, worked full time at my career, typed 42 pages single-spaced study notes for a marketing exam, took the exam, exercised regularly, recorded a 30-minute video lesson on how to use a software package (but forgot to press record), wrote several pages in a book, unsuccessfully tried setting up my Amazon Seller account for a small business side gig, started learning from ChatGPT how to debate and how to serve as a self-representing lawyer. And then I crashed.
I then underwent three days of sickness, which I’m finally recovering from today. And today, without any classes and while awaiting feedback from Amazon Seller support, I floated, having done only four hours of office work on top of watching the movie Near Death a second time. And that’s when I overheard a Navy Seal talk show called Truck Talk, where the Navy Seal commented that what we do now will determine our life. And I wondered, is what I’m doing enough? Or is it too much? Or is it the right mix?
If we feel we could work harder, smarter, or accomplish more, it’s likely true. We can always get better. One female near-death experiencer said she was a practitioner who dedicated her life to helping people. However, in her temporary ascent to heaven, she claimed a heavenly being asked whether she had loved another person with the same intensity of love she was receiving in heaven. She didn’t believe that was possible but was sent back to earth for another chance to realize this grand vision.
We all have life missions, some of which we may not want, may not have the skills yet to accomplish, and may not even yet know, according to a near-death experience story in the movie After Death. There are life missions that emerge from even the hardships. But the goal is to get better spiritually, physically, and intellectually, but most importantly, in the long run, spiritually. And to achieve that high level of self-development, we need to work on our goals daily or at least consistently throughout each week.
I have a ten-year plan for a leadership certificate, many marketing certifications, and a part-time business master’s degree, which I had outlined in ChatGPT. These goals will place me in a position to have the skillset of a Chief Marketing Officer by the end of the ten years. I’ve considered getting a Ph.D., but ChatGPT tells me that a Ph.D. is excellent for the pursuit of academic teaching and research but is a deterrent for corporate HR departments when hiring. I’m working on my ten-year education plan—the knowledge—this week, so, according to Truck Talk, that’s likely where I’ll end up. All of us students may have similar dreams and ambitions that are evolving to that ultimate end.
However, Truck Talk asks what stories do we want to be told about us? Do we want to be known as knowledgeable? That’s always positive. But there’s something more important that we should all strive for, in my view. It’s our deepest values. The ultimate quest for life should be to engage in many meaningful, loving acts for the well-being of others. To me, love comes first; second is knowledge. And the otherworldly pursuits are fun in this lifetime, like the pursuit of wealth, but wealth doesn’t matter in the afterlife. We can’t take it with us. Love and knowledge always matter, regardless of where we exist. So, let’s build all the love and knowledge we can today to end up with an abundance of both when we leave this world.