On April 18, 2024, both the outgoing and incoming AUSU councils convened in a Zoom meeting. Naju Syed, the president of the outgoing council, officially called the meeting to order at 6:06 PM Mountain Time. AUSU Executive Director Jodi Campbell was announced as the accessibility officer.
As the 2024 AUSU Council term came to a close, the atmosphere during the latest council meeting was tinged with both nostalgia and excitement. The meeting served as a platform for outgoing members to pass the baton to the incoming council, sharing lessons and words of encouragement.
Land Acknowledgement
The outgoing President, Naju Syed read the land acknowledgement: “Athabasca University Students’ Union respectfully acknowledges that we are on and work on the traditional lands of the Indigenous Peoples (Inuit, First Nations, Métis) of Canada. We also recognize that our student members span across the lands we now know as Canada and abroad, and we acknowledge and celebrate these Indigenous histories, languages, and cultures. As an organization, AUSU is committed to decolonization, reconciliation, and conciliation efforts, acknowledging that there is much to unlearn. AUSU will continuously strive to build equitable relationships with Indigenous learners at AU, as well as Indigenous members and staff within AUSU, advocate with and for Indigenous learners through consultation, and create spaces that are inclusive, respectful, and equitable.”
The Outgoing AUSU Council Action Items
In this meeting, all incoming councillors and almost all outgoing councillors are present except the outgoing Indigenous Circle Voice councillor. The outgoing councillor Karen Fletcher proposed to declare that AUSU council 2022 -2024 term has officially dissolved. Naju Syed expressed, “This is such a sad motion! But I will allow it.”
The agenda for the April 18, 2024, Council meeting, along with the minutes from the March 21 and March 28, 2024, meetings—including the Executive Election—were unanimously approved without opposition. President Naju Syed, Vice Presidents Manmeet Kaur, Chantel Groening, and Natalia Iwanek, along with Executive Director Jodi Campbell, presented their reports for March 2024. President Syed and Vice President of Community and Wellness Natalia Iwanek also highlighted their efforts in spending time with the incoming council to ensure a seamless transition throughout April. Additionally, Vice President of External Affairs Manmeet Kaur reported attending board meetings and listening to the budget speech in Ottawa earlier in April.
Executive Director Jodi Campbell emphasized, “For AUSU, one of the things that’s absolutely imperative that we do and do well is running airtight elections and running amazing transition. This is a milestone moment because we’ve got both of those things all happening within a short period of time. The amount of commitment and dedication that it takes to do what you guys do is high. When you look at our current councillors, and we’ve also had some that have already graduated. So congratulations! I mean, graduating from AUSU is a huge accomplishment. And so we’ve got a lot of people moving on. Maybe what I might even say is the largest changeover on our Council ever. So it really is a kind of a a timestamp for AUSU and one I very much look forward to! We’ve got students representing AUSU and AU students from Newfoundland, Labrador all the way as far west as you can go as well. And so that’s a true testament of the diversity in this room and the new Council is no different. You guys are about to embark on on a two year journey with AUSU!”
President Syed, along with Councillors Amber McDuffe, Blake Colett, and Karen Fletcher, expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to serve on the AUSU Council over the past two years. President Syed then officially declared the dissolution of the 2022-2024 AUSU Council term and handed over leadership to the new president, Chantel Groening, who previously served as Vice President of Finance and Administration.
The New AUSU Council Action Items
President, Chantel Groening, led the council in reciting the Oath of Office, “I do solemnly swear that I will support, uphold, and defend the mission of the Athabasca University Students’ Union at Athabasca University. I take this obligation freely and will adhere to and respect the bylaws, policies, and all other facets of the Union while doing the work to decolonize Athabasca University. I will always strive to enhance the quality of the learning experience of AU students and all distance learners; while advocating for the unique needs of the AUSU membership and fulfilling my council duties with honesty and integrity.”
The first action item for the 2024-2026 AUSU Council term is the appointment of councillors to various AUSU committees. These include the Awards Committee, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Finance Committee, Member Engagement and Communications Committee, and Policy Committee. Following a thorough discussion and voting session among all AUSU council members, the appointment results are as follows:
Awards Committee
Committee Chair:
- Diana Ramirez (AUSU Vice President of Finance and Administration)
Voting Members:
- Aiza Nazarmatova (AUSU Councillor)
- Faustina Arsenault (AUSU Councillor)
- Melanie Rousseau (AUSU Councillor)
- Tammy Monro (AUSU Councillor)
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Committee Chair:
- Olivia Shepherd(AUSU Vice President of Community and Wellness)
Voting Members:
- Aiza Nazarmatova (AUSU Councillor)
- Annette Karien (AUSU Councillor)
- Chimaraoke Akuchie (AUSU Councillor)
- Faustina Arsenault (AUSU Councillor)
- Josh Flis (AUSU Councillor)
- Kari Thompson (AUSU Councillor)
Finance Committee
Committee Chair:
- Diana Ramirez (AUSU Vice President of Finance and Administration)
Voting Members:
- Annette Karien (AUSU Councillor)
- Kari Thompson (AUSU Councillor)
- Tammy Monro (AUSU Councillor)
Member Engagement and Communications Committee
Committee Chair:
- Olivia Shepherd(AUSU Vice President of Community and Wellness)
Voting Members:
- Aiza Nazarmatova (AUSU Councillor)
- Annette Karien (AUSU Councillor)
- Faustina Arsenault (AUSU Councillor)
Policy Committee
Committee Chair:
- Diana Ramirez (AUSU Vice President of Finance and Administration)
Voting Members:
- Neenah Brown (Indigenous Circle Voice)
- Chimaraoke Akuchie (AUSU Councillor)
- Melanie Rousseau (AUSU Councillor)
- Kari Thompson (AUSU Councillor)
Advice from the Outgoing Council to the Incoming Council
The outgoing councillor Karen Fletcher highlighted the courage it takes to serve on the council, encouraging the new members never to underestimate their value or expertise simply because they are students. Her empowering words reminded everyone that their primary qualification — being students — gives them the unique insight needed to advocate effectively for their peers.
Former President Naju brought a lighter tone to the proceedings, focusing on the importance of finding joy in their responsibilities. “Have fun,” She advised, emphasizing that despite the challenges, the experience should be enjoyable. Her remarks not only reflected a deep appreciation for the role but also underscored the balance necessary between duty and personal fulfillment.
The meeting concluded at 7:30 PM Mountain Time with the incoming councillors, full of enthusiasm and ready to tackle their new roles, listened intently as their predecessors shared insights and advice.
In Summary
This meeting was not just a routine council turnover but a reminder of the impact and importance of student governance in shaping educational experiences and policies at Athabasca University. The next meeting of AUSU Council will be on May 16, 2024. If you are interested to attend the AUSU Council meeting on Zoom or if you have any questions about the AUSU Council meeting, please contact governance@ausu.org