Student Sizzle—Following What’s Hot!

AU Social Media


How to prepare for an exam after procrastinating.  A student is seeking advice on how to proceed with the learning process when they are a procrastinator and have exams approaching.  One student suggests creating a schedule, while another provides screenshots of a color-coded checklist of subjects, quizzes, assignments, and their respective percentage values and due dates.  Using color coding, the student then transfers the assignments onto a calendar, outlining chapters and quizzes.  Other students suggest teaching the material to others, including a plant or a pet.  Additionally, some students recommend using text-to-speech tools for reading online and recording themselves reading the textbook content out loud.  Finally, one student suggests downloading the Quizlet app to test knowledge gain.


Advice on project courses.  A student is asking for advice on project courses and is looking for people to share their experiences.  One suggestion is to take the 495/496 courses which can help in gaining research skills such as literature reviews and statistical analysis.  However, another poster on the site mentioned that sometimes professors may not provide sufficient guidance and support to the students, which can make it difficult for them to find a project title, create a study plan, meet timelines, and edit their work.


Learn API citations.  @aulibarchives posts, “Not sure where to start with your APA citations? Check out the @APA_AcadWriter mini course on using APA:”