Ever wonder how children on the other side of the world are being treated and what rules guide their caregivers? The academic inquiry here is to research “jurisdictional minimum regulations in early learning and childcare compared to international best practices.” This will include literature reviews such that “judgement is required”; indeed, a high degree of social skills are called, for given that this posing also includes interviews with ECE (Early Childhood Educators). To that end, “interviews with Early Childhood Educators to help assess how their working conditions align with minimum regulations.” If this sounds up your alley, and you have a relevant undergrad degree or equivalent early childhood experience, then please send Dr. Susan Cake your “a brief cover letter that summarizes your skills, interests and experience; a current resume or curriculum vitae; an unofficial copy of your transcript; and the contact information for 1‐2 references” at scake@athabascau.ca.
Research Assistant Opportuny! Early Childhood Regulations and Intrigues the World Over
Research Assistant Opportuny! Early Childhood Regulations and Intrigues the World Over