Forget the Millions, Go for Billions!

What is the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire? A billion is a higher goal, but both may be equally attainable.  We don’t need to know how to get there either; we just need to be dedicated.  This advice is from Grant Cardone’s audiobook, The 10X Mentor.  If I recall correctly, Grant says, “If I can’t write it off, I won’t spend it, and if it can’t increase income, I won’t do it.” He should extend his advice to include, “If it doesn’t generate love, I won’t think it.”

He asks, “How can we earn another $1000 a month?” Grant urges us to ask this question frequently, as once we create a significant financial goal, we’re on the right path toward becoming billionaires.  We all have exhilarating potential, igniting once we set in motion enormous goals, even if we have no roadmap yet for attaining them.

For instance, to one day work in a think tank, such as Accenture, we may need more than a degree, certificate, or graduate education.  We may need an MBA from a top school.  However, we can promote our AU MBAs due to the independent learning nature of an AU degree and the intense discipline required to fulfill the credential.  Our discipline with independent learning is worth spades, so get the word out: AU degrees speak massively for character.  Think tanks pay well but are not often at quarter to half a million milestones—still, artificial intelligence appears to host the most significant opportunities.  I also believe virtual reality will return like a tsunami but may re-emerge integrated with AI.

I want to gain an agile project management certificate to generate more income.  It consists of three courses providing many skills for adaptable, quick-thinking leadership.  This three-course certificate is a better time investment than spending 2.5 years on a strategic management certificate, which I also considered.  That’s because the agile project management certificate increases wealth and practical skills in half the time, so it’s a more intelligent investment.  Remember, the goal is to consistently ask how we can earn an extra $1000 monthly.  And that may mean reducing our time by half to get twice the results.

Grant Cardone also says to seek wins every day.  So, to find wins, we need to manifest them; in other words, we can’t achieve success through losses.  He states that we learn more from success by experiencing success.  That means I must know how to implement AI in creating marketing flows.  If I master this, I’ll be in the game for implementing better AI practices and enhancing my marketing.  I found a Udemy course that teaches creating AI apps without coding.  After a month, I should be able to make AI apps.  Our AUSU LinkedIn Learning accounts position us for many small wins with skills development.

When aiming for the stars, the fun is in shooting the arrow.  The more times we hit the target, the faster we grow.  Win after win is what we should strive for, although all paths lead to God.  It takes risk, fearlessness, execution, and resilience.  We’ve got infinite potential overflowing from every vein.  Nothing can stop us once we set goals aimed at the stars, as we can all become billionaires.