Research Assistant Opportunity: Ding, Dong, It’s the Lithium Triangle!

Research Assistant Opportunity: Ding, Dong, It’s the Lithium Triangle!

This Research Assistant Opportunity gets right to the core, if you will, of recent debates and research around the so-called “Lithium triangle”: an area including Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile.  The goal of this RAO is a sterling literature review of the industry’s situation and prospects vis a vis environmental and cultural concerns.

Lithium, if you didn’t know, is to the smartphone user as indispensable as adequate thumb skills.  From hospital heart monitors to onboard car GPS, much of the world we know in 2024 would not exist without precious Lithium.  So, this RAO will investigate ways and means toward “accomplishing a green transition and tackling climate change” in the context of a bit of a Lithium frenzy.  To this end a “deep literature review on the state of the industry” shall uncover some possible prescriptions and useful conclusions moving forward.

As we know, though too easily forget, the role of academia is to help the world move in wiser ways and this RAO surely seeks to ascertain a shining, or at least improved, path by which local people, plants, and landscapes can weather the storm of an incoming mine industry brigade.

If all this appeals to your planetary sensibilities, please send your resume, cover letter, unofficial transcript and two references to Dr Ordonez-Ponce at