The Dream: Creating a Course for a Major Platform

Today, a dream came true—something I’ve longed for since childhood.  I was approached unexpectedly by a head-hunter from a think tank that offers an educational platform.  He requested that I create a technical course, which I’d be excited to do, even though it would pay a small stipend for months of freelance work.  However, I’m more than up for the task! That’s because I recently applied to to create a course, which has been a lifelong dream, but I am still waiting to hear back.  So, this opportunity is like winning a million-dollar lottery.  Opportunities arise when we develop skills for activities we’ve loved since childhood.  That’s because hidden treasures exist in our passions, like golden keys that help us fulfill our life missions.

I have a job interview tomorrow for a managerial role and must crash-learn software to pass the first interview test.  So, I will learn the software from LinkedIn Learning and make a mini-tutorial tonight.  I’ll post the tutorial on my new YouTube creator account, where I explore AI software, often for the first time.  It’s a blast! I recommend learning how to make video tutorials.  They help us learn new skills and showcase our talents.

I started making YouTube video tutorials about two weeks ago.  I have career-related skills in screen recordings.  I’m enamored with creating courses but will improve my YouTube branding, as I’m getting many views but few likes.  Yet, when we face a barrier, it’s an opportunity to test and experiment until we find the miracle formula, like an agile problem-solver.

I create tutorials about software I’ve never explored, and it’s part of my brand.  I have a sweet presentation style but also appear foolish, as I’ve recently realized I have much in common with Don Quixote, the idealist.  That’s because I attempt to achieve goals I am unqualified for, but I do so with overconfidence and passion.  Although it may seem silly to strive for the impossible, it often leads to more exciting opportunities and extraordinary achievements.  So, Don Quixote, the foolish philosopher, was on to something with his idealistic quests.

We should zone in on our hobbies to cultivate the rewards we deserve, and now, a few hours after the think tank interview, I was assigned the task of creating a mini-course, which I’ve completed.  So, I’ve submitted the course a week before the due date, and it looks good.  I am now waiting to see if I’m chosen.  It doesn’t pay a lot, but it’s fun, and it’ll look great on a resume, especially if I create multiple courses, which will put me forth as a thought leader.  Sometimes, unexpected doors open when we engage in our hobbies.  These doors lead to exciting journeys, bringing us closer to paradise: missions fulfilled!