Authority Zero Releases New EP Celebrating 30 Years in the Music Industry

Music Reviews

Authority Zero Releases New EP Celebrating 30 Years in the Music Industry

Authority Zero 30 Years: Speaking to the Youth EP Cover

Artist: Authority Zero
EP: 30 Years: Speaking to the Youth

Authority Zero is celebrating 30 years in the music industry with their first release since 2021.  Founded in 1994, they are most known for their original song “Revolution” and their punk cover of Wall of Voodoo’s 1982 hit, “Mexican Radio”.  The cover art for Authority Zero’s new EP perfectly encapsulates the album’s feeling.  The songs featured on the album are reminiscent of Green Day’s quick-paced and energetic punk rock music.  This styling also comes through in the cover art as Authority Zero’s cover has a similar style and imagery to many of Green Day’s popular albums.  Of the six songs featured on the EP album, both track one and track five stood out as they felt the best produced and written.

The first track on the album, “A Change in the Tide” was a very fast-paced and lively song despite touching on deeper topics like feeling stuck in self-doubt and feeling alone.  The song discusses the importance of recognizing self-doubt before it has the chance to take over and control a person’s life.  Authority Zero emphasizes that no one is alone in these feelings since they are what binds us together as humans.  In the lyrics, the band states that “nothing is too far gone” emphasizing the importance of not getting lost in feelings and fighting to find a solution to problems.  The song concludes by emphasizing the importance of “releasing the ties” to a person’s self-doubt, allowing them to live a happier and more fulfilling life.  Overall, this song was very catchy, and the beat was dynamic enough to maintain a listener’s attention while also complimenting the vocal rhythm.  The vocal layering in the chorus was also very well done.  It was easy enough to understand both vocal layers despite them having different lyrics.  Any fans of punk rock bands like Green Day, The Offspring, or My Chemical Romance are certain to enjoy this track.

“Second Chance” was the fifth track on the EP and had a heavier rock presence than many of the other featured songs.  It still maintained the fast beat and spirited energy of the other tracks however, it had a much deeper guitar and metal back-beat making it much more akin to bands like Bullet for My Valentine or Bring Me The Horizon.  The lyrical harmonies also harken back to Bullet for My Valentine, since they also feature many hauntingly soft, melodic choruses with varying layered vocals.   The song’s lyrics talk about the importance of letting go of the past so that the future can be brighter and mistakes can be learned from.  It also shines a spotlight on how it is better to go through life working toward achieving one’s dreams instead of relying on and hoping for second chances.  This song reminds the listener to take things one step at a time, working to rise above adversity and disappointment to overcome whatever challenges life may hold.

Limited Edition USA Vinyl on Authority Zero’s Website

The EP album is available on all popular streaming services as well as on vinyl records which can be purchased through Authority Zero’s website.  Limited edition vinyl records of the EP are selling fast with only the USA exclusive being left in stock and shipping worldwide for CAD$40.

Authority Zero’s Texas Tour Date Poster

Authority Zero has just wrapped up an American tour accompanying Mad Caddies and Belvedere across 15 venues.  They will be returning on a solo tour across Texas in December.  Tickets can be purchased here for USD$40.71: