While the family-rending drama over vaccines has more or less died down, the science behind access to jabs, and outcomes of their deployment, remains an ongoing realm. Not everyone is privy to easy access to vaccines and, despite where you stand on the topic, research continues to investigate the outcomes and effects of vaccinations in a variety of circumstances. Science is not about pat assertions, after all, so much as continued wondering. The tradition of research continues.
To those research and literature ends, the successful applicant to this posting will be involved in “research including qualitative studies into vaccination in pregnancy, access to vaccines, and caregiving and parenting since the COVID-19 pandemic.” Organizing, writing, literature review skills and a graduate degree in health sciences are a must. Furthermore, and quite aptly put, you must demonstrate an “affinity towards learning and adapting skills to fit the duties” prescribed.
If keen, please send your cover letter, resume, and two references to Dr. Terra Manca at terramanca@athabascau.ca.