Weird Science and Beautiful Spirituality

I see things in the physical world I used to take for granted.  Not only does the physical world move in weird ways when we move, but I’ve also noticed that objects jump and shift non-contiguously.  This strange shift may be because our thoughts jump us into a parallel universe, complete, possibly, with aspects of that new universe’s unique history.  So, we are always skipping from one possible universal life trajectory to the next, depending on everything right down to our most trivial thought or even our slightest respiration of breath.

For instance, I conjured a particular thought about a person, and the gym equipment jumped its location, enough to be noticeable.  We don’t tend to notice such matters because we have yet to conceive of a vocabulary or frame of reference to conceive of such an occurrence outside of philosophies on many worlds and parallel universes.  However, these shifts in the placement of objects are physical, potentially measurable phenomena.  We’re clueless regarding motion parallax because we believe the weird ways the world moves are “perceptual” rather than physical realities.  It’s like seeing an entity moving in a petri dish and dismissing it as a visual phenomenon, a “perceptual” trick of the eye, rather than the thing physically moving.  But that’s my rant for the moment, although rants aren’t the best use of time.  Love is.

I also noticed that language does not capture reality.  Language can often be critical and judgmental, not the lens through which anyone or any event should be perceived if fair representativeness is the aim.  The reality is that every person and event is neutral yet loaded with infinite positive potential.  That positive potential manifests when we subjectively approach the person or event with pure, unconditional love, regardless of public opinion.  At the very least, in perceiving another as only pure positive potential, we internalize that frame of mind, “becoming” it, whether or not that potential manifests in the person in question.

Nothing and no one is essentially bad, just at a different stage in the spiritual path toward merging into eternal love and light.  I believe in idealism, as I think Socrates did, so the goal for all existence is to integrate into the ideal: the pure light of unconditional love.  Anything short of that ideal is a misguided or sub-par aim, which stifles existence from reaching its most authentic form: love.

Nothing in life is negative because we need it all for our mission fulfillment.  However, we must be ultra-cautious with what we put into the world, ensuring it is strictly positive and never harms another soul.  We must ensure all souls can fulfill their missions by offering others nothing but nurturing love and goodness.  That’s how we grow wiser, more beautiful, and more aligned with our purpose in life, which is to love and learn.