It’s crazy how fast this year can sneak up on us, right?
Plus, this year, I got a new computer for Christmas, and while setting it up is kind of fun (and frustrating) it of course imposes other delays.
However, here finally is the Best of 2024 edition of the Voice Magazine.
For those unfamiliar, each year, I like to go through the articles of the past year, all 50 issues, and with the help of various readers, pick out articles that represent the best of the types of things that the Voice Magazine does, so that I can put together one issue that serves as the ideal example of what the Voice Magazine in 2024 would bring to readers. It’s a great way to introduce new readers to the Voice, giving them the feel of a normal Voice Magazine, just a bit elevated by picking and choosing from the several hundred articles provided.
I also like to provide my own commentary as to why each piece was chosen, what makes it fit for inclusion in the Best of Edition, and freshen the whole thing up just a little bit.
But if you’re just here looking for the latest in scholarships and events, no worries, we’ve got those too.
So, welcome to the Best of 2024 edition.