Doesn’t it feel good to help another soul, to help them find joy, beauty, wealth, success, health, and fame? I love helping people actualize their dreams. Recently, I found a hobby that I thought could help alleviate people’s suffering: giving free advice to people on spiritual sites. Surely, I could provide comfort to suffering people. I’m well-read in books on various religions, self-help topics, and unconditional love. And any new hobby is exciting to explore.
As background, I spent ten years hibernating in bookstores reading from the moment I awoke until the moment I fell asleep unless I had an anxiety attack or bout of chronic fatigue. I read countless books on self-help, world religions, psychology, business, fine arts, writing, and health and fitness. For the most part, I’ve since cured myself of anxiety and fatigue, mainly through reading books on diet and stress management. Learning is an excellent way to spend idle time.
I also began writing for The Voice Magazine, as I had always wanted to write for a student magazine. By writing for the magazine, I developed an ability to communicate in text. And then I encountered the philosophy of unconditional love by The Marriage Foundation and watched hundreds of near-death experience accounts, which helped me realize that the purpose of life is to love. I then developed a friendship with a lovely woman who had four near-death experiences. In the process, I’ve gained varied knowledge about spirituality, the afterlife, and religion. A spiritual awareness is vital, in my view, especially as we all eventually encounter death and what follows.
So, I signed up for Facebook groups on spirituality to promote a loved one’s poetry, and I’d see people posting photos of themselves in despair, crying for help. And I was recently certified by a nonaccredited organization to coach people on marital love. So, I offered inspiring encouragement to these cherished people, based on all the wisdom I’ve gained. I laughed heartedly after advising because I knew it praised these souls and guided them in a way that was sure to make them smile. It made me feel so good I could have done it all day. When we find joy in loving action, we may have entered a pathway toward fulfilling a life mission.
However, last night I went on a Facebook group where people asked for advice about deceased relatives. I’m not a psychic, but I’ve read so many spiritual and religious bibles (Sikhism, Christianity–Jesus is my Man, Hinduism, Buddhism, and some of the Quran) that I had some answers. And they were all positive. But then I turned off the lights to go to sleep, and the gym equipment looked foreboding and frightening, like monsters, and I saw a realistic demonic face appear that terrified me. I was so afraid I disconnected from those Facebook groups and refocused my efforts on job search and documentary filmmaking.
I’m back to square one: how do I apply my training as a marital coach such that I help others find peace, love, and joy? When we are on the wrong path, God lets us know. Our best paths merge us into the pure love and light we presently are and have always been.